Series 2 "Pause and Reboot: Momentum of Youth Movements in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia"

Series 2 "Pause and Reboot: Momentum of Youth Movements in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia"

Event Information

  • Date:2024/7/16
  • Time : 19:00-21:00
  • Location : Taipei (Location will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event
  • Language : English and Mandarin

Registration form:

【伸展運動系列二】暫停,再開始:台灣、泰國,與馬來西亞青年運動的延續與轉化 Pause and Reboot: Momentum of Youth Movements in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia
Date 活動日期:2024/7/16 (Tuesday) Time 活動時間 : 19:00-21:00 Location 活動地點 : Taipei (Location will be provided in the confirmation e-mail before the event 活動前將以Email通知發送確認信並通知活動地址) Language 語言 : English with Mandarin Interpretation Assistance 簡介 Introduction : 不論是泰國2020年的學運、馬來西亞近年下修公民權年齡的倡議、台灣的318學運與青鳥行動,或是廣泛的公民社會行動等,青年行動主義似乎扮演著推動社會改變非常重要的角色。 然而,在大型的學運結束後,青年力量如何延續?他們的動能如何轉化?青年與不同世代的行動者如何對話與合作?青年參與公共議題又是如何對台灣、泰國,與馬來西亞的社會以及政治產生影響?他們遭遇什麼挑戰?有什麼反思和出路? 本次活動邀請到台灣、泰國,以及馬來西亞的青年社運(前)工作者。他們將分享在不同政治與社會脈絡下的青年行動主義以及社會參與的經驗、觀點和故事。 In Thailand’s 2020 youths movement, Malaysia’s initiatives for lowering the voting age, Taiwan’s Sunflower and Bluebird Movement, or other civil society’s initiatives, advocacy, and works, youth participation and activism play pivotal roles in pushing for social changes. However, after big social movements, how does youths’ participation in civil society continue? How does their momentum transform? How do dialogues take place among different generations of youths in civil society? How do they connect and communicate with the public? What social and political impact have the youths’ civil participation in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia led to? ______________________________ 講者 Speakers: Zhafir Amin 是馬來西亞公民社會組織Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR) 的人權分析師。他積極參與在校園政治與學生運動當中。Zhafir是 The Good Society IIUM 的共同創辦人;這是一個透過School of Marvel 計畫培養有效變革者的學生組織。此外,Zhafir也是Grassroots Empowerment IIUM的共同創辦人,在這個無黨派的政治陣線中,Zhafir 組織學生參加校園選舉,並提供培訓和資源,並致力於幫助馬來西亞青年參與有意義的公民活動並促進社群的積極變革。 Zhafir Amin is a Human Rights Strategist at the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR). He was heavily involved in campus politics and student activism. He co-founded The Good Society IIUM, a student organization that cultivates effective changemakers through its School of Marvel program. Zhafir also co-established Grassroots Empowerment IIUM, a non-partisan political front where he organizes students to run in campus elections, offering training and resources. Zhafir is dedicated to empowering Malaysian youth to engage in meaningful civic activities and to promote positive change in their communities. Chuveath Dethdittharak (Jay) 是ActLab Thailand,一個青年政治行動者計畫的計畫發展者,和Article Group的社群組織者。此外,Jay 也是泰國致力推動改變的政治樂團—The Commoner—的主唱和吉他手。 Chuveath “Jay” Dethdittharak is a project developer in a young political activist project at ActLab Thailand and a community organizer at the Article Group. Besides, Jay is the vocalist and guitarist of The Commoner, a political folk group in Thailand fighting for changes. 許恩恩是一位作家。 她於2024年出版《變成的人》。現為齊想創造工作室共同創辦人。國立臺北大學社會學學士、國立清華大學社會學碩士。 Hsu En-En is an author of The Becoming, a book published in 2024. She is also the co-founder of Co.lab. She obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degree from the Department of Sociology in National Tsing Hua University ______________________________ 「伸展」是相對於「緊縮」的動作與概念。「伸展運動」象徵東南亞區域內公民社會組織、運動與人權捍衛者們,在面臨公民空間緊縮與壓迫性管制的時刻,即便知曉行動的後果可能是高昂的代價,他們仍然持續行動與組織化。這些彷彿暖身和伸展運動般和緩的行動,實際上延展了現有的公民空間,甚至抵禦了公民空間緊縮的趨勢。這樣的運動是維持動能的,在此脈絡下也是積極開創的。 亞洲公民未來協會致力於連結台灣與東南亞公民社會,共同發展抵禦區域公民空間緊縮危機的策略。透過【伸展運動:抵禦東南亞公民空間緊縮】系列四場座談,超過十位來自印尼、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國、台灣和東協區域的講者,將一同探討不同議題和領域的行動者與組織,如何透過本地、跨國、跨區域,以及跨領域等多元的策略與合作,來延續他們的工作,以及完成推動人權倡議與發展的目標。 The concept of ‘stretching’ is a contrast to the concept of ‘shrinking’. ‘Stretching Exercise’ symbolizes the continuous activism and organizing of Southeast Asian civil society organizations, movements, and human rights defenders amid the shrinking of civic space and repressive restrictions despite knowing the price for their activism. Their activism ensembles the warm-ups and stretching exercises, which are mild, but extends and defends the existing civic space. Such activism, in the context of shrinking civic space, maintains their momentum, and is very active and innovative. Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) is dedicated to connect Taiwan and Southeast Asian civil society to develop collective strategies to defend civic space. Through the four events in the series, “Stretching Exercise: Exercise to Defend Civic Space in Southeast Asia”, ACFA invites more than 10 speakers from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and a Southeast Asian regional organization, to discuss how organizations and activists working on various issues continue their work and push for human rights developments through local, regional, cross-regional collaborations and cross-cutting strategies.

In Thailand’s 2020 youths movement, Malaysia’s initiatives for lowering the voting age, Taiwan’s Sunflower and Bluebird Movement, or other civil society’s initiatives, advocacy, and works, youth participation and activism play pivotal roles in pushing for social changes. 

However, after big social movements, how does youths’ participation in civil society continue? How does their momentum transform? How do dialogues take place among different generations of youths in civil society? How do they connect and communicate with the public? What social and political impact have the youths’ civil participation in Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia led to?


Zhafir Amin is a Human Rights Strategist at the Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR). He was heavily involved in campus politics and student activism. He co-founded The Good Society IIUM, a student organization that cultivates effective changemakers through its School of Marvel program. Zhafir also co-established Grassroots Empowerment IIUM, a non-partisan political front where he organizes students to run in campus elections, offering training and resources. Zhafir is dedicated to empowering Malaysian youth to engage in meaningful civic activities and to promote positive change in their communities.

Chuveath “Jay” Dethdittharak is a project developer in a young political activist project at ActLab Thailand and a community organizer at the Article Group. Besides, Jay is the vocalist and guitarist of The Commoner, a political folk group in Thailand fighting for changes.

Hsu En-En is an author of The Becoming, a book published in 2024. She is also the co-founder of Co.lab. She obtained her bachelor's and master’s degree from the Department of Sociology in National Tsing Hua University 

Series Talk Introduction

The concept of ‘stretching’ is a contrast to the concept of ‘shrinking’. ‘Stretching Exercise’ symbolizes the continuous activism and organizing of Southeast Asian civil society organizations, movements, and human rights defenders amid the shrinking of civic space and repressive restrictions despite knowing the price for their activism. Their activism ensembles the warm-ups and stretching exercises, which are mild, but extends and defends the existing civic space. Such activism, in the context of shrinking civic space, maintains their momentum, and is very active and innovative.

Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) is dedicated to connect Taiwan and Southeast Asian civil society to develop collective strategies to defend civic space. Through the four events in the series, “Stretching Exercise: Defend Civic Space in Southeast Asia”, ACFA invites more than 10 speakers from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, and a Southeast Asian regional organization, to discuss how organizations and activists working on various issues continue their work and push for human rights developments through local, regional, cross-regional collaborations and cross-cutting strategies.

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