“Repression on Media Freedom Continues as New Government Formed” A brief introduction of press freedom and freedom of association in Cambodia

“Repression on Media Freedom Continues as New Government Formed” A brief introduction of press freedom and freedom of association in Cambodia

Note taking: Doris Yang / Editing: Leah Lin

ACFA (Asia Citizen Future Association) is honor to invite Chhan Sokunthea, the media director of the Cambodian independent media "Kamnotra", to talk about the current situation of freedom of association and press freedom in Cambodia for us to understand the current situation and trends of the shrinking of civil space in the country.  This is the record of the sharing of Chhan Sokunthea on ACFA's report launch forum on 22 August,"Exploring Taiwan's Roles Amid The Crisis of Closing Civic Space in the Southeast Asia" during the ACFA 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week.

About the speaker

Chhan Sokunthea, working for the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) from 1st April 1998 to 31th December 2020. She held responsibilities for International Advocacy Coordination. Sokunthea graduated with a Master’s Degree in Public Administrative. Sokunthea has had extensive experience in advocating with government officials, civil society, international community and relevant stakeholders for the promotion and protection of human rights and democracy, including corporate respect for human rights, labour rights, gender equality and inclusion.

Currently she is the acting director of the Cambodian Center for Independent Media. Primary responsible for overseeing the organization by working closely with government institutions, UN Agencies, civil societies both local and international and private sectors to promote and strengthen the press freedom and internet freedom in Cambodia. (provided by Chhan Sokunthea)

Deteriorating Shrinking Civic Space Since 2015

Since 2015, the situation of shrinking civic space continues to deteriorate. Independent media, civil society organizations (CSOs) and political parties are subjected to government's repression. In 2017, independent media such as Radio Free Asia and The Cambodia Daily, and so on, were forced to close and relocate from Cambodia. Furthermore, Cambodia's largest opposition party, Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) was dissolved in the same year. Earlier this year, one of Cambodia's remaining independent media run of the Cambodia Center for Independent Media (CCIM), Voice of Democracy (VOD), was shut down because of a report about Hun Manet, the son of the previous PM, Hun Sen, who now serves as Cambodia's new Prime Minister.

Before Cambodia's general election in July this year, CCIM launched a new site, Kamnotra. Besides reporting news, Kamnotra also organizes data released by the Cambodian government. However, the Mniistry of Telecommunication soon ordered internet service providers to block Kamotra. Therefore, readers based in Cambodia need to use VPN to access to online independent media such as Kamnotra, Radio Free Asia, The Cambodia Daily, and so forth.

Law on Association and Non-Governmental Organization (LANGO)

The Law on Association and Non-Governmental Organization (LANGO), which was enacted in 2015, was used by the Cambodian government to lay restrictions on local, international/foreign NGOs operating in Cambodia. In response, more than 500 civil society workers formed a working group together to provide the Ministry of Interior legal analysis during 2020 to 2021 with an intention to lift the restrictions on the civil society. The situation deteriorates after 2021.

For example, local and international NGOs operating in Cambodia are required to submit financial reports to the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs (MOFA), and the Ministry of Finance and declare taxation every month. Furthermore, organizations working on human rights, democracy, freedom of expression, and so forth, must submit their yearly activities plan.

There were few restrictions laid on INGOs before, however, they were subject to the government's repression in recent years. In order to continue to operate lawfully in Camodia, INGOs are required to sign MOU with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every 2 to 3 years. In order to get the MOFA's approval or renewal of the MOU, organizations advocating for human rights and democracy have to submit all the agreements they signed with other civil society organizations.

Repression on Media Freedom Continues as New Government Formed

Hun Manet officially became Cambodia's new Prime Minister in August, 2023. Notably, Hun Manet was not on the list of the Prime Minister candidates before the general election in July 2023. Hun Sen, previously served as Cambodia's Prime Minister for 38 years, who was also the PM candidate, however, announced that he was going to transfer the power to his son, Hun Manet, after the general election.

In the new Cambodian Parliament's first session on 21 August, Cambodian mainstream, pro-government media gathered in the Parliament; however, independent journalists were not allowed to enter the Parliament. This shows the repression against Cambodia's media freedom continuing.

專訪獨立媒體《Kamnotra》代表:洪馬內接任總理,柬埔寨新聞環境會更開放嗎? - The News Lens 關鍵評論網

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By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
【新聞稿】國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會 共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間

【新聞稿】國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會 共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間

作者:國家人權委員會 國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間關注全球公民自由議題之國際人權組織「世界公民參與聯盟(CIVICUS)」偕同在臺會員團體「社團法人亞洲公民未來協會(ACFA)」成員一行,於今(3)日上午拜訪國家人權委員會,就各自工作內容以及近年臺灣、亞洲區域的人權與自由動態等議題展開熱烈交流。 王幼玲副主任委員表示CIVICUS即將在明(4)日在臺灣公開發表其2024年度全球公民空間監測報告,這對臺灣人民來說意義非凡。在CIVICUS過去六年的研究中,臺灣很榮幸都獲評比為「開放(free)」國家,也是亞洲唯一連續多年獲得該等評比的國家。人權會十分期盼增進與國際、區域夥伴的交流合作,包括先前曾赴泰國曼谷時拜訪的亞洲人權與發展論壇(FORUM-ASIA),為亞洲與全球的人權與自由貢獻一份心力。 CIVICUS倡議團隊經理德拉巴斯(ReylynneDelaPaz)女士、亞太地區研究員班奈狄克(JosefBenedict)先生、傳播團隊主任昆巴拉塔拉(NipunaKumbalathara)輪流分享其在全球各地支持公民社會與自由權保障的

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association