ACFW2024台灣與東南亞公民社會週:公民空間論壇Civic Space Forum

ACFW2024台灣與東南亞公民社會週:公民空間論壇Civic Space Forum


★ 日期:2024年10月31日(星期四) 

★ 地點:台北市(詳細地址將於論壇前透過報名確認信通知)

★ 報名連結: 

★ 本活動採報名制,僅限已成功報名者入場 

★ 活動為實體舉行,無提供直播與線上參與 

★ 論壇將提供中英雙語同步口譯,口譯設備數量有限,請提前抵達會場借用 

★ 本活動將依報名順序提供限量午餐,請盡早報名 

★ 活動期間請遵守行為準則,嚴禁任何形式的歧視與騷擾,尊重與會者的權益及拍攝意願

#ACFW2024 台灣東南亞公民社會週 — 公民空間論壇】,邀請多位來自台灣、東南亞、區域及國際組織的重量級講者,並精心籌劃了多場邊會及場邊活動,帶您更深入了解區域內各種人權議題與挑戰!


🌟 亞洲公民未來協會(Asia Citizen Future Association)致力於推動台灣與東南亞公民社會的合作,共同發展應對公民空間緊縮的策略。我們於2023年和2024年分別發布報告,探討台灣在區域危機中的潛在角色,並剖析東南亞國家結社自由的現況與挑戰。

🌟 什麼是公民空間(civic space)? 「公民空間」指的是超越物理界限的社會環境,是能夠使人聚集共同表達反對意見、進行討論與集結的空間。開放且包容的公民空間,讓公民社會組織(CSOs)和個人能不受政府壓迫與干涉,自由行使言論、和平集會和結社的權利,透過對話與行動推動實質合作和改變。

▌這次【#ACFW2024 台灣東南亞公民空間論壇】將包含一系列活動 ▌

🌟 研究發布與論壇|用議題串聯台灣和東南亞公民社會!







此外,來自不同國家的講者將分享他們如何在充滿挑戰的環境中持續發揮影響力,以及跨國、跨區域的聯盟與合作如何應對 選舉期間公民空間緊縮的挑戰。


近年來,公民空間緊縮以及威權擴張的趨勢導致東南亞區域內的 人權捍衛者(HRDs)面臨逐漸擴大的風險與威脅。這樣的威脅使得人權捍衛者需要尋求安全的庇護環境以保護自身安全,並延續工作的動能。針對這樣的趨勢,已有日漸增加的本地、區域,以及國際組織致力於提供東南亞區域內的人權捍衛者保護機制。 

這些組織如何為面臨高風險的人權捍衛者提供相關的幫助與緊急救援?台灣身為一個臨近東南亞的民主國家,可以在支持東南亞人權捍衛者的議題中扮演什麼角色?台灣若要提供區域內的人權捍衛者庇護,將會遇見什麼挑戰? 本場次邀請來自國際、區域,以及東南亞國家本地,具有支持與保護人權捍衛者經驗的公民社會組織代表,分享他們在支持人權捍衛者方面的見解與經驗。


自緬甸軍方 2021 年發動政變以來,已經歷時三年多。軍方和少數民族地方武裝(簡稱民地武)持續衝突激化,民地武掌控領土增加。然而,軍方仍持續對緬甸實施恐怖統治,以及持續對人民施加暴力與鎮壓。在軍方實施徵兵法後,越來越多緬甸人民被迫面臨境內流離失所或是境外流亡的困境。

一方面,在緬甸人民持續抗爭的同時,軍方試圖透過於 2025 年舉辦選舉來尋求其合法性。除此之外,緬甸危機在過去三年中已成為東南亞國家及其他鄰國的重要議題。本場次旨在探索結束緬甸危機的下一步。除了探討軍方維持對緬甸非法控制的手段外,也側重在鄰國在緬甸危機中所扮演的角色,以及台灣在支持緬甸人民方面可發揮的潛在角色。

🌟 邊會|一起來探索你所關注的議題在東南亞語境下又是怎麼一回事?

✸ 9月20日憲法法庭宣判死刑在台灣有條件合憲——印尼社會又是如何討論死刑?

✸ 青年如何與不同世代對話?一起來聽泰緬邊境與馬來西亞人權工作者的經驗!

✸ 區域LGBTQIA+組織將帶來詩詞創作工作坊以和紀錄片,一起來聽聽東南亞酷兒的聲音!

✸ 越南NGO「Vietnam Rise」即將在此舉辦第三屆社會運動節「Resilience in Action: Building Secure Regional Collaboration」,促進東南亞與台灣的公民社會組織對話與連結。

🌟 場邊活動|為你關注的議題採取行動!

台灣藝術團體「印刻部」版畫陳列展✸「造訪巴勒斯坦」海報展 ✸ 一起發文聲援東南亞區域內受壓迫的行動者與人權捍衛者個案。

✸ 遠端加入印尼星期四行動「#AksiKamisan」,一起關注印尼轉型正義與人權議題

✸ 寫下你關注的議題~ 也跟我們分享你今天的心得 (^ ^ ʃ♡ƪ)"

🌟 現在就報名【 #ACFW2024 台灣東南亞公民社會週 — 公民空間論壇】也追蹤我們的Instagram 獲得最新資訊!

\\ REGISTER TODAY|Join us in exploring Southeast Asia’s human rights issues and Taiwan’s potential role!  //

Register now!

REGISTER NOW|【#ACFW2024 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civic Space Forum】and follow on Instagram for the latest updates!

✸ Date: Thursday, October 31, 2024

✸ Location: Taipei, Taiwan (Event address will be sent via confirmation email prior to the forum.)

✸ Registration form:

✸ Only those who successfully register will be admitted.

✸ Note: Limited lunches and simultaneous interpretation devices will be provided. Please check the link for more details.

At the #ACFW2024: Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civic Space Forum, we are convening speakers from Taiwan, Southeast Asia, regional and international organizations for a series of insightful discussions. Alongside the forums, various side events and activities will provide deeper exploration into the region’s human rights issues and challenges. 

In recent years, Southeast Asian countries have experienced a shrinking civic space, placing civil society organizations (CSOs) and human rights defenders at increased risk of harassment and attacks. As a neighboring democracy, what potential does Taiwan have to provide support?

🌟 The Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) is committed to fostering collaboration between Taiwan and Southeast Asian civil societies, working together to develop strategies to counter the crisis of shrinking civic space. In 2023, we published a report examining Taiwan’s potential role in the regional crisis. This year, ACFA coordinated research with nine Southeast Asian CSOs to explore the current state and challenges of freedom of association in Southeast Asia.

🌟 What is Civic Space? 

Civic space refers to a social environment that extends beyond physical boundaries. An open and inclusive civic space enables civil society organizations (CSOs) and individuals to freely exercise their rights to expression, peaceful assembly, and association without government oppression or interference. An open and inclusive civic space empowers individuals to drive positive change through dialogue and action in political, economic, and socio-cultural contexts.

#ACFW2024 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civic Space Forum】features a series of engaging activities:

🌟 Report Launch and 3 Panel Discussions

Opening Remarks and Report Launch|Right to Freedom of Association in Four Southeast Asian Countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

The CEO of Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) will introduce ACFA, the organizer of the Asia Citizen Future Week (ACFW 2024), and the importance of exploring Taiwan's role in supporting human rights defenders among the region, and to provide a safe civic space for CSOs among the region to continue their work.

Next, a research report on the situation to the right to freedom of association coordinated by ACFA and conducted by 9 other CSOs from Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand will be launched.

Panel 1|Dialogues of Female Leaders and HRDs in the Region: How Elections Impact Civil Society, Civic Space and Them?

In recent years, Southeast Asia has seen a growing trend of increasing restrictions on civic space and fundamental rights, particularly before and after elections. At the same time, women remain underrepresented in both the political arena and the broader human rights landscape in many parts of the world. This session brings together female politicians, civil society leaders, and organizers to discuss how the electoral processes in different national contexts affect civic space, and how these impacts influence female human rights defenders, organizers, and political leaders who actively engage in civil society.

Additionally, this session explores how female leaders navigate these challenges and make meaningful contributions to their societies and communities. It also examines the role of cross- border alliances and collaborations in addressing these challenges and advancing women's roles in civic space.

Panel 2|Can Taiwan Become a Shelter for Human Rights Defenders in The Region?

The shrinking civic space in Southeast Asia has led to increasing threats to human rights defenders (HRDs). HRDs across the region are facing growing needs to seek shelter for their safety and to continue their work. In response to these trends, various local, regional, and international initiatives have been developed to provide protection and support for HRDs in Southeast Asia.

How do international, regional, and local NGOs offer urgent assistance to HRDs at high risk? What role can Taiwan, a neighboring democracy, play in addressing the growing need for HRD protection? What challenges lie ahead? In this session, representatives from international, regional, and local civil society organizations (CSOs) in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, with experience in protecting and supporting HRDs, will share their insights and experiences.

Panel 3|Myanmar in Focus: Myanmar's Resilience, Advocacy Strategies and the Role of Countries in the Region

Since the Myanmar junta launched a coup in 2021, more than three years have passed. The conflict between the military and ethnic armed groups (referred to as EAOs) has continued to intensify, with EAOs gaining control over more territory. However, the military still maintains a reign of terror in Myanmar, continuing to impose violence and repression on the people. After the military enacted a conscription law, more and more Myanmar citizens have been forced into displacement either within the country or into exile abroad. While the people of Myanmar continue their resistance, the military is attempting to seek legitimacy by planning to hold elections in 2025.

Additionally, over the past three years, the Myanmar crisis has become a significant issue for Southeast Asian countries and neighboring nations. In addition to discussing the junta's violent tactics to illegally seize power, this panel also focuses on the role neighbouring countries play in the crisis, as well as the potential role Taiwan can play in supporting the people of Myanmar.

🌟 Side Events: Explore Human Rights Issues in Southeast Asian Context

✸ Taiwan's Constitutional Court ruled on 9/20 that death penalty is conditionally constitutional. In one of the side events, we will be discussing death penalty in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian societies.

✸ How can youth engage in intergenerational dialogue? Come and hear the experiences of human rights workers from the Thai-Myanmar border and Malaysia!

✸ A regional LGBT+ organization will host a poetry workshop and screen queer themed films. 

✸Vietnam Rise is bringing their Social Movement Festival to #ACFW2024, fostering dialogues and connections among regional CSOs.

🌟 On-Site Activities: Print & Carve Dept. Exhibition

ACFW2024 #ACFA #Taiwan #SoutheastAsia #CivicSpace

🌟 On-Site Activities: Take Actions and Stand in Solidarity!

✸ Print and Carve Dept. Exhibition✸ “Visit Palestine Poster” Exhibition✸Visit the NGO Booths to explore diverse issues! 

✸ Create social media posts to support HRDs among Southeast Asia!

✸ Stand in solidarity with #AksiKamisan, Indonesia's Thursday Protest, and engage with issues of transitional justice and human rights in Indonesia.

See more about 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week:

2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week/2023 台灣與東南亞公民社會週 (CN/EN)
About the Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week “Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week” is a platform organized by ACFA to connect civil society organisations and activists among Taiwan and Southeast Asia. The 2023 Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week is an initial stage for CSOs and

Read more

【國際記者會採訪通知】CIVICUS「2024年受威脅的人民力量報告(People Power Under Attack 2024)」

【國際記者會採訪通知】CIVICUS「2024年受威脅的人民力量報告(People Power Under Attack 2024)」

CIVICUS全球公民活動空間自由度指數與「2024年受威脅的人民力量報告(People Power Under Attack 2024)」發表會來台灣了! 國際非政府人權組織CIVICUS(世界公民參與聯盟)每年和全球20多個區域人權組織共同調查全球的公民活動空間自由度。台灣過往連續五年被評等為亞洲唯一「開放」的國家。 今年為CIVICUS於疫情後首次以實體記者會形式發表全球公民活動空間自由度指數與「2024年受威脅的人民力量報告」(People Power Under Attack 2024),記者會將於2024年12月4日上午舉行,這也是CIVICUS首次來台灣舉辦報告發表國際記者會。 記者會將邀請到越南流亡人士暨獨立媒體、緬甸在台民主運動家及亞洲公民未來協會發言。 新聞聯絡人 (歡迎記者與媒體聯繫) ATTN: Media outlet/journalist Invitation: Launch of CIVICUS Monitor 2024 global ratings of the state of civic free

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association


短期兼職(合約)社群企劃專員 * 類型:短期合約兼職人員 * 工作期限:自2024/12/01至2025/3/31止,共4個月,一週工作24小時。 * 薪資:新台幣20,000~22,000/每月 * 工作地點:台北市 * 本兼職職缺採先到先審,收件期限為2024.12.8。 ACFA以連結台灣與東南亞,共同捍衛區域公民空間為使命。在台灣,對東南亞公民社會及人權議題的理解與關注仍有拓展空間。這份短期兼職社群企劃主要工作為社群平台內容之撰寫及製作,透過研究、設計、創意及社群經營來策劃有助於受眾理解東南亞公民社會的社群內容。如果你對東南亞、社會運動、人權與跨文化交流有興趣或涉獵,這項非常具有挑戰性且有趣的工作,對你而言將是個充滿機會且能自由發揮的舞台,歡迎你來挑戰! 工作內容 * 社群媒體經營: * 社群媒體內容策劃:協助組織專案的社群平台帳號(Facebook、Instagram、LINE OpenCha,官網等)進行獨立策劃,製作吸引目標受眾之內容,

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
20241031新聞稿【台灣東南亞公民社會週 ACFW2024:公民空間區域論壇】:近二十東南亞人權組織赴台參加公民空間區域論壇  期盼台灣加強支持區域人權捍衛者

20241031新聞稿【台灣東南亞公民社會週 ACFW2024:公民空間區域論壇】:近二十東南亞人權組織赴台參加公民空間區域論壇  期盼台灣加強支持區域人權捍衛者

由亞洲公民未來協會主辦,國際特赦組織協辦之【台灣東南亞公民社會週 ACFW2024】,今年邀請近20個來自泰國、印尼、馬來西亞、緬甸、菲律賓、區域和國際公民社會組織代表赴台參與。ACFW2024除了促進台灣與東南亞公民社會之間的交流與合作,同時聚焦在台灣如何提升對亞洲地區的人權捍衛者的支持力道,並學習現存之國際與區域經驗。 ACFW2024首日即邀請包含無國界記者台灣分會、自由之家亞洲辦事處、荷蘭海牙正義與和平中心及區域組織Forum-Asia在內的人權團體分享保護人權捍衛者的寶貴經驗。同日下午,ACFW2024東南亞人權團體代表團會見立法委員洪申翰、立法委員沈伯洋和立法委員蘇巧慧辦公室代表,表達東南亞人權捍衛者與公民社會組織對台灣提升針對東南亞人權捍衛者保護與支援的期待。  10月31日的【ACFW2024公民空間區域論壇】因應颱風則改為線上舉辦,仍吸引破百人共襄盛舉,七小時全程在線的參與者突破九成,顯示台灣公民社會對東南亞言論、集會與結社自由持續惡化的狀況十分關注。同時,再次凸顯區域、國際組織和東南亞人權團體對台灣在區域扮演人權角色的期待持續增強。 亞洲公民未來協會執行長林文

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
Asia Citizen Future Week 2024 "Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civic Space Forum"

Asia Citizen Future Week 2024 "Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civic Space Forum"

#AsiaCitizenFutureWeek2024 #2024ACFW ▌Basic Information * Date: October 31, 2024 (Thursday) * Location: Taipei, Taiwan * Form: in-person meeting, do not provide online meeting and live-streaming * Forum Language: The panels will be conducted in both English and Mandarin with interpretation. * Contact: Doris Yang, Project Coordinator and Researcher, ACFA ( * Registration Link:

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association