20231019 ACFA is invited to New Bloom for a panel discussion.

20231019 ACFA is invited to New Bloom for a panel discussion.

Bangkok and Hong Kong have historically been hubs for civil society in East and Southeast Asia. However, in the wake of the protests that broke out in 2019, Hong Kong has seen significant political repression in recent years. Likewise, Bangkok has become increasingly dangerous for asylum seekers, civil society organizations, and human rights defenders in past years.What role can Taiwan play, in light of the deterioration of civic space in Southeast Asia? Can Taiwan position itself as a space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders now facing threats elsewhere?

To explore this question, we’ve invited the Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) to share with us the findings of ACFA’s recent report, “Exploring Taiwan's Role Amid the Crisis of Closing Civic Space in Southeast Asia.”ACFA aims to promote the collaboration between civil society between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. ACFA explores Taiwan’s role in tackling the challenge of the closing of civic space in the region. In August 2023, ACFA held “Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week” and launched a report to scrutinize Taiwan’s accessibility for Southeast Asian NGOs and activists.


Leah Lin is Executive Director and Founder of Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA).

Doris Yang is a researcher at ACFA.

Lai Yen-Rong is the Refugee Specialist of Taiwan Association for Human Rights(TAHR), focusing on the case support and the advocacy for Taiwan's refugee issues.


Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom. He is a non-resident fellow at the Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham.As with our usual events, there is a suggested donation of 100 NT to help us pay rent.

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全球數位人權大會ACFA圓桌| ACFA roundtable at RightsCon 2025 (English below)

全球數位人權大會ACFA圓桌| ACFA roundtable at RightsCon 2025 (English below)

我們將在 #RightsCon2025 舉行一場圓桌會議【探索公民社會組織與人權捍衛者在監控時代中旅行的安全政策】!(English Below) 活動資訊 Event information *需購買 RightsCon 2025 門票才能參加,講座以英文進行 時間:2月26日 (三) 9:00 AM 地點:RightsCon 2025 會場(台北國際會議中心-202B) Attendance is limited to RightsCon ticket holders Date: February 26, 2025 Time: 9:00 AM Location: RightsCon Venue (202B) 全球最大的數位人權會議「全球數位人權大會(RightsCon)」今年將在 #台灣 舉行!

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
(講座改期)台北講座|ACFA x Gerakbudaya :獨立書店真浪漫?馬來西亞獨立出版的困境與突破-我被查水錶、被約談、被禁書的日常

(講座改期)台北講座|ACFA x Gerakbudaya :獨立書店真浪漫?馬來西亞獨立出版的困境與突破-我被查水錶、被約談、被禁書的日常

緊急公告「獨立書店真浪漫?馬來西亞獨立出版的困境與突破」#講座取消!由於講者身體微恙,我們決定臨時取消此次活動,並將會改期並以線上座談方式進行。若為您帶來不便,我們向您誠摯致上歉意!我們將於2月27日帶來另一場關於 #緬甸邊境尋求庇護者 的講座,敬請持續關注我們的消息,一起關注東南亞人權與公民空間,謝謝您的支持! ——講座資訊—— 時間:2月6日(四)19:00-21:00 地點:台灣台北中正區,實際地點將於報名確認信中註明 如果能開一間自己的獨立書店,是不是很浪漫?但在言論自由受限的 #馬來西亞 開一間 #獨立書店,卻可能被約談、被禁書、被查水錶? 2018年,馬來西亞經歷了獨立以來的第一次政黨輪替,然而,政治動盪與首相頻繁更替,也讓司法改革與人權議題的進展充滿挑戰。雖然近年馬來西亞司法改革有些進展——例如:廢除強制死刑法令、承諾檢視「3R」議題(種族、宗教、王室)相關法律,但基本人權和公民權利依然受到許多限制。

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
台北講座|除了詐騙,還有誰在緬甸邊境?活在夾縫裡的緬甸流亡社群 4 Years of Resistance and Hope: How we can Support Myanmar's Exiled HRDs? (English Below)

台北講座|除了詐騙,還有誰在緬甸邊境?活在夾縫裡的緬甸流亡社群 4 Years of Resistance and Hope: How we can Support Myanmar's Exiled HRDs? (English Below)

活動資訊 Event information —講者簡介— * 講者:長期支持海外緬甸行動者的團體「Exile Hub」 * 主持:亞洲公民未來協會 Doris Yang —講座資訊— * 時間:2月27日 (四) 19:00 * 講座以英文進行,並提供有需求者中文口譯 * 地點:台北善導寺捷運站附近,實際地點將註明於報名確認信中 * 立刻到留言區免費報名! —SPEAKERS— * Speakers:-Ma Zee (Managing Director, Exile Hub)-Yucca (Resesarching Director, Exile Hub) * Moderator: Doris Yang (Project Coordinator, ACFA) —INFO— * Language: English with Mandarin translation upon

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
ACFA: Taiwan perlu tingkatkan pendidikan berperspektif migran  (Bahasa Indonesia)

ACFA: Taiwan perlu tingkatkan pendidikan berperspektif migran (Bahasa Indonesia)

07/11/2024 19:43(Diperbaharui 07/11/2024 20:27) ACFA: Taiwan perlu tingkatkan pendidikan berperspektif migran - Fokus TaiwanAsia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) menilai Taiwan perlu memperkuat pendidikan dengan perspektif migran untuk menciptakan ruang yang lebih inklusif, terutama sebagai ruang aman bagi pejuang hak asasi manusia, seperti yang

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association