20231019 ACFA is invited to New Bloom for a panel discussion.

20231019 ACFA is invited to New Bloom for a panel discussion.

Bangkok and Hong Kong have historically been hubs for civil society in East and Southeast Asia. However, in the wake of the protests that broke out in 2019, Hong Kong has seen significant political repression in recent years. Likewise, Bangkok has become increasingly dangerous for asylum seekers, civil society organizations, and human rights defenders in past years.What role can Taiwan play, in light of the deterioration of civic space in Southeast Asia? Can Taiwan position itself as a space for civil society organizations and human rights defenders now facing threats elsewhere?

To explore this question, we’ve invited the Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA) to share with us the findings of ACFA’s recent report, “Exploring Taiwan's Role Amid the Crisis of Closing Civic Space in Southeast Asia.”ACFA aims to promote the collaboration between civil society between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. ACFA explores Taiwan’s role in tackling the challenge of the closing of civic space in the region. In August 2023, ACFA held “Taiwan and Southeast Asia Civil Society Week” and launched a report to scrutinize Taiwan’s accessibility for Southeast Asian NGOs and activists.


Leah Lin is Executive Director and Founder of Asia Citizen Future Association (ACFA).

Doris Yang is a researcher at ACFA.

Lai Yen-Rong is the Refugee Specialist of Taiwan Association for Human Rights(TAHR), focusing on the case support and the advocacy for Taiwan's refugee issues.


Brian Hioe is one of the founding editors of New Bloom. He is a non-resident fellow at the Taiwan Studies Programme at the University of Nottingham.As with our usual events, there is a suggested donation of 100 NT to help us pay rent.

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ACFA的宗旨是連結台灣與東南亞,一起發展捍衛區域公民空間的策略和合作。透過研究、論壇、培訓等方式,探索台灣在東南亞公民空間緊縮下的潛在角色。辦公室主任將會與執行長緊密合作,將與全體工作夥伴共同齊心協力,將本會發展至更具影響力也更為穩健的狀態。這是一份充滿挑戰的工作,適合獨立自主且具備衝勁與責任感的你加入。 職缺及申請方式 型態:正職人員,每週工作40小時。 地點:台北市,需要每日至辦公室上班。 薪資:四萬以上,敬請面議。 直屬主管:執行長。 招聘截止日期:2024年12月31日(先到先審) 開始工作時間:2025年1月。 申請文書:中英文履歷、推薦信兩封(不限長度)、自我陳述信一封(不限長度)、最高文憑pdf檔(敬請加註「僅供ACFA單次求職使用」)。 申請方式:請將上述文件寄信director@acfa.tw 面試流程:(一)筆試:攜帶筆電至辦公室完成筆試,大約需要三至四小時(二)第一階段面試(可以與筆試同一天進行):大約一小時至一個半小時(

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association
【新聞稿】國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會 共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間

【新聞稿】國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會 共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間

作者:國家人權委員會 國際人權組織CIVICUS來訪人權會共同關切亞洲緊縮中的公民空間關注全球公民自由議題之國際人權組織「世界公民參與聯盟(CIVICUS)」偕同在臺會員團體「社團法人亞洲公民未來協會(ACFA)」成員一行,於今(3)日上午拜訪國家人權委員會,就各自工作內容以及近年臺灣、亞洲區域的人權與自由動態等議題展開熱烈交流。 王幼玲副主任委員表示CIVICUS即將在明(4)日在臺灣公開發表其2024年度全球公民空間監測報告,這對臺灣人民來說意義非凡。在CIVICUS過去六年的研究中,臺灣很榮幸都獲評比為「開放(free)」國家,也是亞洲唯一連續多年獲得該等評比的國家。人權會十分期盼增進與國際、區域夥伴的交流合作,包括先前曾赴泰國曼谷時拜訪的亞洲人權與發展論壇(FORUM-ASIA),為亞洲與全球的人權與自由貢獻一份心力。 CIVICUS倡議團隊經理德拉巴斯(ReylynneDelaPaz)女士、亞太地區研究員班奈狄克(JosefBenedict)先生、傳播團隊主任昆巴拉塔拉(NipunaKumbalathara)輪流分享其在全球各地支持公民社會與自由權保障的

By 亞洲公民未來協會 Asia Citizen Future Association